USATF calls for effective EPO testing at domestic events
October 25, 2001
USA Track & Field (USATF), the national governing body of
track and field, road racing and race walking, on Wednesday
issued a formal
request to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), World Anti-
Doping Agency
(WADA) and the International Association of Athletics
Federations (IAAF) to
have effective EPO testing performed at U.S. domestic events.
"Upon learning that IDTM, the world's leading drug testing
enterprise, is fully prepared to collect specimens for EPO
testing, we ask
that all drug testing organizations include EPO testing as part
of their in
and out-off-competition testing protocol," states the letter
Craig Masback to the three organizations. "We would ask, in
particular, that
this testing be conducted at all USATF championship events in
distances of
800 meters and longer, including all road race events."
The letter was sent to USADA CEO Terry Madden, WADA Chairman
Dick Pound,
and IAAF General Secretary Istvan Gyulai. It comes seven months
after USATF
made a written request to WADA on March 7 to have EPO testing
conducted at
all major marathons worldwide.
"USA Track & Field feels strongly that steps should be taken at
levels - not just at world championship events - to ensure that
athletes are
not using EPO," Masback says. "Eliminating EPO from track and
field benefits
all American track and field athletes."
USADA assumed all anti-doping duties in the United States,
testing of and adjudication for track and field athletes, in
October of 2000.
The United States reportedly is one of fewer than 20 IAAF member
that conducts random, unannounced out-of-competition domestic
drug testing of
its athletes.
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