September 15-16, 2001 race schedule
September 13, 2001
An RTN / ITR staff member contacted the majority of the events
scheduled for this upcoming weekend to determine if they would
still be held in the wake of the horrible tragedy earlier this
week. Every event that we spoke with, with the exception of
one, will go on as scheduled.The only event that we are aware of that has been cancelled is
the Devil Dog Run in Lawton, Oklahoma. This race, staged by a
group of Marines, will not be held this weekend because they
simply will not have the manpower to organize the race this
weekend, according to Capt. Garrett Benson. The event may be
rescheduled at a later date. If the event is not held, Benson
said that they will hold a raffle for the prizes that have been
donated within a few weeks.
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