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8/08/2002 15:55:34
Subject: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: For those of you that hadn't heard, the Boerne Triathlon has been rescheduled for Labor Day weekend. Yeah, great timing on that one. I'm sure that *no one* has plans already. On top of that, those of us that already registered online via signmeupsports.com *did not* sign up for an 'unconditional no refunds' race, as the no refunds verbage was not there. (BTW, the new online registration DOES NOW have the disclaimer. Curious.) Anyway, I spoke with Patti McKeever of Roger Soler Sports a few weeks ago, and here response was basically 'sorry, tough luck, no refunds'.
Later on 07.15.02, they posted an update on RTN, under the heading "Y100 Boerne Triathlon announces new date". The 'gentleman' to whom she was referring in her comments was YOURS TRULY. :)
For those of you that care, these are excerpts from my email response to Patti.
Let me know what you think, or better yet, write Roger Soler Sports and let them know!!
Hi Patti,
I am the gentleman to whom you referred in your �from the race director� comments, and I spoke with you about your unwillingness to refund my entry fees.
Re: the �no refund * policy *�:
I signed up via signmeupsports.com and it does not state that this race allows "no refunds." It may be that your mail-in entry does have this disclosure, but signmeupsports.com does not. I have signed up for many other races on signmeupsports.com, and those that have a �no refund� policy state such in their signmeupsports.com online registration. Yours did not. It does now. That will eliminate confusion in the future. It DID NOT have such a disclosure when I registered.
Even races that don�t give refunds many times will do so to preserve good will, even when it is reschedule through no fault of the organizers. Cases in point: The Trilogy Triathlon last year. The Trilogy triathlon was reschedule due to the tragedy of 9/11. Trilogy gave entrants the option of a refund, because it was the right thing to do, even though they had a no-refund policy. Another example is the Wahlburg time trial this year. They reschedule due to the same weather, had a �no refund� policy, and yet gave refunds. They raised the registration fee for the rescheduled event to cover re-scheduling costs, as it appears you folks have done as well.
What are you prepared to do to make things right here?
Thanks for your prompt attention and consideration.
Kind regards,
Her response so far is again, basically 'sorry, tough luck'. I'm pushing ahead with the USAT SW regional director, maybe better luck. Take care all!
Veteran racer
8/08/2002 16:14:25
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Most events have a no refund policy. Even if it is unstated. Entry fees for events are spent long before a race is held (or cancelled, or postponed). I don't expect a refund if I can't make it to a race for whatever reason, even if it's a rescheduled race. Consider it a charitable donation.

8/08/2002 16:26:53
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Thanks for your perspective.
I've done a few races myself, and those that are 'no refunds' races are stated as such in the 'terms and conditions', even for online registration.
From a legal standpoint, an unwritten 'policy' has no legs. If it isn't in the 'terms and conditions', I am not bound by such a 'policy'.
Veteran Racer II
8/08/2002 17:15:38
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Response to Veteran Racer - The refusal to refund is undeniably wrong in this case. Yes, agreed, most races have a no refund policy. This one did not. Other races that have been moved to new dates have offered refunds (Trilogy last year, Walburg TT this year). The race director has no reasoning behind the refund refusal, except to say "no." Like Jerry, I cannot make the Labor Day rescheduled date. When I originally asked for a refund, they said I signed paperwork stating "no refund." The paperwork I signed did not say that (although the newly revised paperwork magically does!). When I pointed that out and offered to send them my copy, they did not reply back. If I had signed that sort of paperwork, there would be no argument.
Veteran Racer II
8/08/2002 17:18:09
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Response to Veteran Racer - The refusal to refund is undeniably wrong in this case. Yes, agreed, most races have a no refund policy. This one did not. Other races that have been moved to new dates have offered refunds (Trilogy last year, Walburg TT this year). The race director has no reasoning behind the refund refusal, except to say "no." Like Jerry, I cannot make the Labor Day rescheduled date. When I originally asked for a refund, they said I signed paperwork stating "no refund." The paperwork I signed did not say that (although the newly revised paperwork magically does!). When I pointed that out and offered to send them my copy, they did not reply back. If I had signed that sort of paperwork, there would be no argument.
8/08/2002 19:41:55
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: It is with much consideration that I respond - it is bad enough that the people of Boerne and surrounding area had to endure the loss that they did, and it is bad enough, that you have the unmitigated gall to request that your $25 (of the $50 entry fee) not be paid to the charities involved because you demand a refund- worse, is that you have aired you views in public so as to drag my name and the name of the event and the charitities which are children's groups: Roy Maas Youth Alternatives Program (it is private and relies completely on donations; all the event water stops are "manned" by the campus kids' and when you go to retrieve your packet (from T1), those kids from the campus take care of your packet and give it to you.) The second charity is the Make a Wish Foundation: they are terminally ill children who will probably not live to see July 2003, the triathlon next year.
If I were business oriented, I would let this go on for days, expecting more publicity and air time. However, I am not interested in business - I am interested in producing quality, challenging and fun events. Your utterance does nothing for the sport, the athletes involved or the work many people put into events for charities.
In response to our no refund policy, we have have hundreds of folks respond who understand this was an act of nature and we did everything we could to make sure the event happened and if the reschedule date conflicted with anyone, we deferred their entry to next year. (I even went so far as to offer that if next year didn't fit one man's schedule, I'd move it to 2004: he is in the military and going to the Middle East.) If that were not enough, we offered to mail your packet to you - everything you would have gotten sans the sweat.
Were you really interested in getting a refund, you would have called me, in person. Instead, you are only interested in vengeance, and making sure in some form or another, I pay.
Whatever anger you are working through, please work through it, but leave me, the event and the children/charities out.
PS Thanks for getting the spelling of my name correct.
Rick R.
8/08/2002 21:34:00
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Hey Jerry. Don't feel sorry for you one bit. At least you were offered a re-schedule date. Not sure if you were aware, but in May the Tom Landry Triathlon and Duathlon was CANCELLED and not re-scheduled. I signed up the day before @ $60 (for the Du), how do you think I felt? Race director Sam Leake made the decision prematurely under pressure from the Dallas Police Dept. The issue was the lightning in the area @ race time, so rather than push the start time back a little, they just told everyone thank you for your money and we'll give you a discount for next years' race. So if I was you, I would plan to race!!!

8/08/2002 22:16:06
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Patti, I feel like you're getting a little personal here. I believe you are clouding the issue.
I'll restate my issue:
I feel you are not honoring the terms and conditions I agreed to when registering(online) for this event, period.
Addressing your last message...
<Were you really interested in getting a refund, you would have called me, in person.>
I DID contact you directly, twice. Once in person, and once via email. Your answer both times has been 'No', without regard for the contract I AGREED TO.
I signed up for a race to DO THE RACE. Good for you all in giving some of the proceeds to your favorite charities. I give to the charities I feel worthy/needy each year. Again, please, let's not cloud the issue. Once again, I simply feel you are not honoring your end of the contract. Online registration NOW has a 'No Refunds' clause. It DID NOT when I registered online.
I air this in public, because, as I'd mentioned, I'VE BROUGHT THIS UP TO YOU TWICE, and you have simply said 'my answer's the same'. I am making known my discontent at Roger Soler Sports not honoring their part of the Terms and Conditions I agreed to.
Interestingly, the Trilogy Triathlon last year ALSO gave some of the proceeds to charity, in their case, the victims of 9/11. The difference here, is that they gave entrants the CHOICE when events beyond their control forced postponing of the race. All this, and their Terms and Conditions *DID* have a 'no refunds' clause. They realized that preserving the goodwill among the entrants was more important than the agreement.
PS... Sorry if i got your name wrong.
Kid Triathlete - DJ
8/08/2002 22:45:44
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say IP: Logged
Message: cant you adults behave, call your lawyer Jerry, maybe you can pay him off with the 50 dollars you get back from what Patti so rudely stole from you, they are rescheduling the race so quit whining
8/08/2002 23:56:40
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say IP: Logged
Message: I think it's nice that they resheduled, I wish Tom Landry had done the same thing. But I think Patti's response is unprofessional for her position and I wouldn't do any race put on by that type of individual.

8/09/2002 01:39:55
| RE: Boerne tri: No refunds? online reg didn't say that IP: Logged
Message: Rick, the Tom Landry triathlon cancellation sucked, I hadn't heard about that. For what its worth, I sincerely think that was wrong.
You know, though, two wrongs...
'No refunds' was not in the terms and conditions online when I registered. I expect them to honor those conditions. The new date is over Labor Day weekend and I've had a friend's wedding scheduled for quite a little while.
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