Thinking differently about the body
August 30, 2001
by JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Ph.D.This article is a continuation of the "Sports Psychology" column
in the September issue of Runner Triathlete News. For complete
details on how female runners differ from males, please pick up
a copy of the September 2001 edition of Runner Triathlete News.
So how can women runners find greater satisfaction and a sense of
well-being in the bodies that they have? How can they put an end
to the
obsessing about fat, food, and appearance? Clearly women need to
address the
issue of self-image. In my practice, I advise my female athlete
clients to
start placing the emphasis on intrinsic qualities rather than on
appearance. They need to be less concerned about the evaluations
of others
and focus on internal acceptance of themselves, regardless of
body size or
shape. The greater one's inner strength and self-esteem, the
less need there
is to gain someone else's approval.Tools for Awareness and Change
* Learn to fully appreciate the body that you have.
* Make only those personal changes you can live with in the long
* Exercise according to your body's needs, not only your
training plan.
* Learn to trust your body and its messages.
* View food as nourishment, not just as pleasure.
* Reward yourself in a variety of ways
You can reach JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Ph.D. at
[email protected].
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