"Slip, slap, slop" to reduce dangers of exercising in the sun
April 1, 2003
This feature is a continuation of the "Beginners Beat" column in
the April 2003 issue of Runner Triathlete News. To get the full
scoop on the dangers of the sun, pick up a copy of the April
issue of Runner Triathlete News. Subscribe to RTN today!
Slip on a t-shirt - especially between 11:00 a.m. - 3:00
p.m. when the sun is at its hottest. If you are near water, be
aware of the reflection of the sun from the surface.Slap on a hat - A light colored or white hat is best,
since those color retain the least amount of heat. Children
should always wear brimmed hats because peaked hats leave the
neck and ears exposed. Slop on some suncream - always purchase a sun cream that
says it protects against UVA and UVB. Keep an eye on your skin
as sun cream can rub off, even waterproof products can come off
when swimming. Remember children have thinner, more delicate
skin than adults and are at a higher risk of burning. Sunburn is painful and can lead to deadly skin cancers - it's a
very good reason to prevent it.
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