List your event in RTN's ANNUAL EVENT GUIDE
August 1, 2002
List your event in the RTN Calendar -- fill out our online calendar submission formGet more info on advertising in RTN
Attention Event Directors:
After the tremendous success of the 2002 issue, Runner
Triathlete News will once again produce a special issue
focusing on a year-long event guide, listing all running,
cycling, swimming, adventure race, triathlon, and duathlon
events in the five-state RTN region (Texas, Louisiana,
Oklahoma, Arkansas, and New Mexico). This special issue, which will be published in March 2003, will
be read thousands of athletes in and around this area. The 2002
edition was the single-most read copy of RTN in history,
and we expect the second issue to eclipse that record.
As an event director, you are requested to be a major part of
this issue. First, please visit RTN's
Event Directors Section, where you can complete an online
calendar listing form. This will ensure that all of the
athletes in this area can begin making plans for your event. To
make sure that your event's information is included in the
ANNUAL EVENT GUIDE, we must receive your calendar listing no
later than February 1, 2003.
Second, this will also be the most important place to
promote, market, and advertise your event -- period.
RTN is widely-recognized as the leading source of
information for runners, walkers, swimmer, and multi-sport
athletes, and this "keeper" issue only reaffirms that status
(many athletes refer to the ANNUAL EVENT GUIDE all year long).
Many athletes -- from seasoned veterans to first-time
novices -- rely on RTN for their race planning. More
participants choose their events from the RTN calendar
than anywhere else. Advertising your event provides unmatched
publicity and exposure -- and generates more registrants (in
fact, many events tell us that they get over half their entries
directly from their ads in RTN).
We have created numerous special "perks" for advertisers,
* Race listed in bold type in ANNUAL EVENT GUIDE
* Race listed on both RTN and ITR Web Sites
* Press release published on RTN and ITR Web Sites and in
magazines (if provided)
* Results and/or story/photos published in magazines and on
web sites (if provided)
* Magazines for your race packets -- request these early, we
always run out This is only a partial list, click here for complete details. When fishing for athletes for your race, you have to use the
bait the fish like -- in the Southwest it's Runner Triathlete
News! The RTN staff is ready to help you get your event listed
and answer any questions that you may have concerning
advertising. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or
call (800) 441-9837.
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