Runner Triathlete News address change form
To submit an address change, please complete the form below.
You have three options on how to send this information to us:1. Copy/paste this form into an e-mail message. Fill out the
form in your e-mail message, then send it to us at [email protected]. 2. Print this form out. Fill out the form (print clearly) and
fax it to us at (281) 759-7766. 3. Print this form out. Fill out the form (print clearly) and
mail it to us at Runner Triathlete News, P.O. Box 19909,
Houston, TX 77224.
Runner Triathlete News address change form (print clearly)
Subscription #: ___ - _______ (on mailing label, just above name)
Name on subscription: ___________________________________________
Old Address: ____________________________________________________
City: __________________________ ST: ________ ZIP: ____________
New Address: ____________________________________________________
City: __________________________ ST: ________ ZIP: ____________
Daytime phone #: ( ) ______________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________________
If the USPS is unable to deliver your magazine to you (for
whatever reason), we request a daytime phone number and e-mail
address so that we may contact you to determine why your
magazine cannot be delivered to the address we have in our
records. We will not provide your phone number or e-mail
address to anyone else, nor will you receive calls from us other
than to correct a mailing error.
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